Wednesday, May 28, 2008

There's No Place like Home

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 12 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled There's No Place Like Home. Curt's back and joined by Dan and Nancy Drew a.k.a Amy of Lostaholics fame ;-). "You know the story", but's who's story is it? The numer are back in a big as if to remind us that you can take the losties out of the island but you can't take the island out of the losties! Sun is our new power player and a great transformation of a female character. Dan even gives us a possible way out of current cliff hanger.


There's No Place like Home - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 12 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled There's No Place Like Home. Curt's back and joined by Dan and Nancy Drew a.k.a Amy of Lostaholics fame ;-). Thick with ant9cpation for the season finale we explore en's resurgence and Sun's rise to prominence. We even revisit the Claire dead or alive issue and toy around with Locke being the reincarnation of Jacob.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cabin Fever

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 11 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled Cabin fever. Curt's back and joined by Dan and Nancy Drew a.k.a Amy of Lostaholics fame ;-). Together we explore just why Fate is a fickle bitch and how that was shown with both Ben and John this week. Has Jhn been avoiding his destiny and only now on a journey of self discovery? What was on Keamy's arm and is Claire dead or alive. We don't have the answers but try to have fu exploring the questions.


Cabin Fever - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 11 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled Cabin Fever/span>. So even when I'm away there is no stopping the Lostaholics from talking LOST!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Something Nice Back Home - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 10 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled Something Nice Back Home. Our regular community with out friends form Lostaholics as we start to digest the newest episode. We talk about Jack the tragic hero, why smokey let so many of Keemy's crew get away and just what is up with Aaron and the idea of who is or isn't 'supposed' to raise him.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Shape of Things to Come

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 episode 9 of ABC's TV show, LOST, entitled The Shape of Things to Come. We start with our central theme where dan feels it's imbalance and I say paradigm shift. Either way, there is a fundamental change in at least the direction of the show and it's about time! So join as as we explore the connection between Ben and Charles Widmore and why he doesn't know where the island is. Is Ben really that good or does he have a cosmic censor looking out for him? and does Miles know something about Claire or is he just poking fun at us?