Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LPN: 6-10: Black Rock: The Package - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 10 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch along with James. Collectively we try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Everyone under estimates Sun and Jin, even now, when they are still on that rarest of list, Jacob's. I say they go on to be Adam and Eve and reconcile the conflict between Light and Dark.

For more Nancy Drew

Thje Package - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 10 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch along with James. Collectively we try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Everyone under estimates Sun and Jin, even now, when they are still on that rarest of list, Jacob's. I say they go on to be Adam and Eve and reconcile the conflict between Light and Dark.

For more Nancy Drew

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ab Aeterno

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 9 of ABC's TV show, LOST. The crew of the Black Rock try to synthesize what we now know about the narrative into the overall show, the AT and Saving the world.


A great week of dialog from our fans but a very difficult task to integrate it all into the story.

For more Nancy Drew

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ab Aeterno - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 9 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch and James. The return of Jason as well! Collectively we try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Finally we know what it is all about, now how do we get to the resolution...

For more Nancy Drew

Monday, March 22, 2010


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 8 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and James take a second pass at this episode and incorporate fan feedback.


We'll start with James' AT and look for clues to see if there are similes to our island story. Is their a showdown coming at Locke's wedding. Is Jame's not a good liar in the AT?

For more Nancy Drew

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Recon - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 8 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch and James from help us try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Another amazing episode with lots of exposition and more 'hand' / 'touching' references.

For more Nancy Drew

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dr Linus

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 7 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and Special Guest Heath from Lost Revisited Now take a second pass at this episode and incorporate fan feedback.


We'll start with Ben's AT and look for clues to see if there are similes to our story around leadership and power along with faith.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr Linus - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 7 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch and James from help us try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Another amazing episode with lots of exposition and a whole new perspective on the AT. James mirror universe theory is getting some legs!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 6 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and Special Guest Sgt Draino take a second pass at this episode and incorporate fan feedback.


We'll start with Sayid's AT and look for clues to see if it is a 'bargain' and then get back to the island and how the balance of teh scales have tipped.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sundown - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 6 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch help us try to process the latest episode in our popular Initial Reactions format.


Sayid can, then fight some more and then again. Here we thought it was the Ash keeping Smocke out, doh!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 5 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and Special Guest Eve take a second pass at this episode and incorporate fan feedback.


We'll start with questions and thoughts from our fans and then see if the Black Rock crew has any additional thoughts or theories of their own.

James Theory

Another 'loopy' diagram

The Star Wars comparison to midiclorians