Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hiatus Special - Theorycast

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Special Hiatus Edition TheoryCast of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew and friends pull back and turn their season 5 eyes and talk time loops, resets, multiple time lines and whether or not Locke is the son of Jacob or if Aaron is the descendant of Nemesis.


We hope you enjoy this show and can't wait for our Season 6 Community Calls start immediately after each episode airs on the East Coast on Talkshoe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s05e01-03

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. This being the end of season it also brings to an end our ability to re-watch with season 5 eyes to a certain extent.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e11--14

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. This being the end of season it also brings to an end our ability to re-watch with season 5 eyes to a certain extent.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e08-10

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes and whether or not Stevie Wonder is God!