Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 15 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and our friends from the Smoke Hatch along with James. We get to meet the original protector of the island and see the first passing of that responsibility.
We see this canonical tale as not only the first, but the template by which it will play out, forever. Lots to chew on here. Some bonus material at the end of the recording as well.
Re-published original Talkshoe file for comparison.
Interesting discovery! The Ubercaster file is just barely larger since it ended up at 48Kbs (VBR), but was sampled at 44Khz and used a higher quality encoding mode in LAME. In my opinion, the ability to *normalize* the audio for the final audio with an RMS Normalizer should help with the overall listen-ability too since it should pull the audio levels together some.
You can play right on the feedburner page.