Monday, March 8, 2010


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 6 episode 6 of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew, Lost Lindsey and Special Guest Sgt Draino take a second pass at this episode and incorporate fan feedback.


We'll start with Sayid's AT and look for clues to see if it is a 'bargain' and then get back to the island and how the balance of teh scales have tipped.


JayJay said...

What's so special about being first?

Nancy Drew said...

It means you beat everyone else to posting, lol.

Mairuzu said...


Ryan said...


I'm the Locke of these comments!

Oh wait...

Not a good thing.

JayJay said...


Manuel Noah said...

Love the podcast! I've been having the same annoyance with the past few shows though. It sounds like you-all are getting a bunch of negative feedback complaining about your loyalty to the show, and this is making it so you feel like you have to prove that you love the show (explain it to your audience). COMMON NOW! Look at all the work you-all do. It's clear that you have a massive love for the show. I personally don't think you-all need to even address the issue. Just theorize and if complaining happens it happens (to fully look at something you have to look at the negative too).

Curt said...

I didn't feel I needed to PROVE anything but did want to acknowledge what was going on and that we weren't going to change. I appreciate you feedback though, it lends some balance to the situation. ;-)