Friday, March 28, 2008

Commun ity Call In!

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Hiatus Community Call to talk about ABC’s hit TV show, LOST. We pull back and invite in our listener to talk about anything LOST. Big picture mysteries, Rants or Theories. Along with some of our regular callers we get visits from therealsawyer, Rosy and Deb, the owner/administrator of Lostaholics.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Meet Kevin Johnson

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 8 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled Meet Kevin Johnson. Has freee will been defeated given the islands reach and power? amy from Lostaholics join us again as we dig a little deeper into the mysteries of LOST.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Meet Kevin Johnson - Initial reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 8 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled Meet Kevin Johnson. Wow, what an episode. Lots of reveals, the Island as a central character and everything yu wanted to know about Michael.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ji Yeon

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 7 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled Ji Yeon Karma sets the stage for two big questions this week. Is Ji Yeon Eve to Aaron's Adam? ...and, Can we make any sense out of the freighter, the fake plane and just what exactly they mean?

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy their music. I promise I'll fix my ability to add them to the show for the final episodes.

Ji Yeon

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ji Yeon - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 7 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled Ji Yeon Our initial reactions show where many of us were reelling from the idea that it was Flashback and Flash Forwards! But is Jin Dead? Why did Regina walk off the boat with chains? Did Kevin Johnson look familiar or was that just me!? Can we trust the person telling us not to trust the captain?

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy their music. I was unable to play clips this week, sorry.

Ji Yeon

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Other Woman (fixed)

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 6 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled such a snoozer that Dan fell asleep, or so he thought. Still, we managed to dig up all of the love triangle at play and try to understand just who is zooming whom. We've personified the Island but how about the weather? Does the 'incident reresent some epoch moment when it all changed?

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy their music. I was unable to get clips in this week sorry.

The Other Woman

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Other Woman

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 6 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled such a snoozer that Dan fell asleep, or so he thought. Still, we managed to dig up all of the love triangle at play and try to understand just who is zooming whom. We've personified the Island but how about the weather?

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy their music. I was unable to get clips in this week sorry.

The Other Woman

Friday, March 7, 2008

Black Rock: The Other Woman - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 6 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled The Other Woman. So it's Juliet centric but it's really all about Ben. If Ben is the good guy then is Charles Widmore the bad guy, sure looks like it but wait for the twist.

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy the music we featured.

The Other Woman

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Black Rock: The Constant

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 4 Episode 5 of ABC’s hit TV show, LOST entitled The Constant. Is it all just a paradox or can Love /Trust & Faith conquer all? Dan and I try to make sense out of this mind warping episode of LOST and if we can't do it then maybe the music of POL can!

Also, as promised, here is the link to 'Previously On Lost' if you want to hear more or buy the music we featured.

The Consant

p.s. We've removed the redirects