Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch s05e06-08

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. .

This week we revisit 316, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham and LeFleur.

Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. Also, I have a screen shot and a description of how I set up for a podcast over at my Posterous blog for anyone interested in the tech behind the show.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s05e04-05

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member.

This week we revisit The Little Prince and This Place is Death.

Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. This being the end of season it also brings to an end our ability to re-watch with season 5 eyes to a certain extent. Also, I have a screen shot and a description of how I set up for a podcast over at my Posterous blog for anyone interested in the tech behind the show.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hiatus Special - Theorycast

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Special Hiatus Edition TheoryCast of ABC's TV show, LOST. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew and friends pull back and turn their season 5 eyes and talk time loops, resets, multiple time lines and whether or not Locke is the son of Jacob or if Aaron is the descendant of Nemesis.


We hope you enjoy this show and can't wait for our Season 6 Community Calls start immediately after each episode airs on the East Coast on Talkshoe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s05e01-03

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. This being the end of season it also brings to an end our ability to re-watch with season 5 eyes to a certain extent.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e11--14

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes. This being the end of season it also brings to an end our ability to re-watch with season 5 eyes to a certain extent.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e08-10

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is The Sargent, our newest member. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes and whether or not Stevie Wonder is God!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e05-07

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is Heath & Ms Wendy from LOST Revisited Now. The Sargent, our newest member, is back too. Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes and whether or not Stevie Wonder is God!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s04e02-04

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is Heath & Ms Wendy from LOST Revisited Now. The Sargent has arrived as our newest member! Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes and whether or not Stevie Wonder is God!


Lostaholics reWatch: s03e21 - s04e01

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is Heath & Ms Wendy from LOST Revisited Now. And, as if that wasn't enough even James is back if only to remind us how hard core we are! Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s03e18-20

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is Heath & Ms Wendy from LOST Revisited Now. And, as if that wasn't enough even James is back if only to remind us how hard core we are! Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s03e15-17

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock complete with LostLindsey. Also back on the scene is Heath & Ms Wendy from LOST Revisited Now. And, as if that wasn't enough even James is back if only to remind us how hard core we are! Collectively we revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s03e11-14

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rockn complete with LostLindsey. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Lostaholics reWatch: s03e07-10

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rockn complete with LostLindsey. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s03e03 - 06

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rockn complete with LostLindsey. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e23-24 & s03e01-02

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac, LostLindsey as well as Heath (Lost Revisitied Now) and Matt (Keys to Lost) . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e19-22

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac, LostLindsey as well as Heath (Lost Revisitied Now) and Matt (Keys to Lost) . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e15-18

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac, LostLindsey as well as Heath (Lost Revisitied Now) and Matt (Keys to Lost) . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e11-14

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac, LostLindsey as well as Heath (Lost Revisitied Now) and Matt (Keys to Lost) . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e07-10

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac, LostLindsey as well as Heath (Lost Revisitied Now) and Matt (Keys to Lost) . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s02e03-06

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac & LostLindsey . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e23-24 & s02e01-02

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, StephanyMac & LostLindsey . This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e20 - 22

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys, Time is Relative to Lost and Anna from Indiana. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e17 - 19

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys, Time is Relative to Lost and Anna from Indiana. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e13 - 16

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys, Time is Relative to Lost and Anna from Indiana. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e9 - 12

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys to Lost and the Smaoke Hatch. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e5 - 8

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys to Lost, Jacobs Cabin and Time is Relatiive. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Lostaholics reWatch: s01e1 - 4 (fixed)

Lostaholics reWatch of ABC's TV show, LOST. The inaugural reWatch podcast hosted by Lostaholics and Nancy Drew along with her old crew from the Black Rock, Lost Revisited Now, Keys to Lost and Jacobs Cabin. This group of podcasters, bloggers and fans revisit these episodes with season 5 eyes to see if there is any new meaning to be found in these past episodes.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Incident

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 16 & 17 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Incident Parts 1 & 2. Curt, Dan, Nancy Drew and friends don't do their usual treatment this time After a look at Mirror Images and our new-ish, Narrative Update, we try and pull back some and explore some new questions and revisit some older episodes and themes.


Also, here are some links on the 'Omega Point' that 'Sticks' provided on the forum:

Anyways, I am really excited about this 'Omega Point' theory/idea...
I was searching a bit and i found some interesting research done on The Omega Point Theory which just, IMO, further justifies the correlation and the possibility that TPTB are using this theory as one of the many sources feeding the story line. Just wanted to share some links and excerpts:

'The Omega Point is a future state of the universe where "life" (in any form) exists and develops forever, without getting locked into an loop.'

Five Attributes of the Omega Point

Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man states that the Omega Point must possess the following five attributes. It is:

Already existing.
Only thus can the rise of the universe towards higher stages of consciousness be explained.

Personal – an intellectual being and not an abstract idea.

The complexification of matter has not only led to higher forms of consciousness, but accordingly to more personalization, of which human beings are the highest attained form in the universe. They are completely individualized, free centers of operation. It is in this way that man is said to be made in the image of God, who is the highest form of personality. Teilhard expressly stated that in the Omega Point, when the universe becomes One, human persons will not be suppressed, but super-personalized. Personality will be infinitely enriched. This is because the Omega Point unites creation, and the more it unites, the more the universe complexifies and rises in consciousness. Thus, as God creates the universe evolves towards higher forms of complexity, consciousness, and finally with humans, personality, because God, who is drawing the universe towards Him, is a person.


The Omega Point cannot be the result of the universe's final complexification of itself on consciousness. Instead, the Omega Point must exist even before the universe's evolution, because the Omega Point is responsible for the rise of the universe towards more complexity, consciousness and personality. Which essentially means that the Omega Point is outside the framework in which the universe rises, because it is by the attraction of the Omega Point that the universe evolves towards Him.

Autonomous – that is, free from the limitations of space (nonlocality) and time (atemporality).

Irreversible, that is, attainable.

Maybe Jacob IS the Omega Point ????

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Incident - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 15 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Follow Incident. So this is it! Black vs White, the canonical battle to end all battles, or does it? Think 'mobius strip'.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Follow The Leader

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 15 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Follow The Leader. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images and our new-ish, Narrative Update, Just who is in charge? We get a tour-de-force of leaders, has-been leader and lieutenants as the pieces come together for the big finale.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Follow The Leader - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 15 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Follow The Leader. What a great set-up episode! Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Locke has a purpose... killing Jacob!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Variable

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 14 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Variable. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images and our new-ish, Narrative Update, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories. Ms Hawking dominates the discussion with just how much she knew and how. Also her relationship with Charles ai in, what's up with that? So... our big season opener with Damiel in the Orchid turns out to be a throw away scene?!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Variable - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 14 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Variable. The purported 100th episode as it were and our 100th hour of podcasting about those 100 episodes. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. So Dan's got a plan but Mom saw it coming?


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some Like it Hoth

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 13 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Some Like it Hoth. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images and our new-ish, Narrative Update, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories. Everyone keeps talking about the purge like it is going to happen any day now but it is 15yrs away. The incident on the other hand is just around the corner. Given Hurley's desire to 'change the future' and lets face it, it'd be very tempting, are we headed for a paradox a.k.a. the Incident? Is everything we've seen related to keeping that paradox contained?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some Like it Hoth - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 13 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Some Like it Hoth. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Ok, wait a minute... I thought... but the Black Van... so are they on Ben's side?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dead is Dead

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 12 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Dead is Dead. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images and our new-ish, Narrative Update, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories. I don't know about you guys but I always get grilled by family during the holidays. In return I get some fresh input and perspective from some voices I don't hear all too often but this time that voice said, '...this was the worst episode ever!'


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dead is Dead - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 12 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Dead is Dead. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Who supplied Ilana with the guns? ...and just who's side is Ms Hawking on?


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whatever Happened, Happened

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 11 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Whatever Happened, HAppened. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories. We had joked that Ms Hawking was a druid but then we the "Land of the Living" in Celtic lore, a place that moves around, where peiople don't age and there is no sickness? It get's even better so give us a listen.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whatever Happened, Happened - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 11 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Whatever Happened, Happened. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Just what does Loss of Innocence mean?


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He's Our You

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 10 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled He's Our You. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories like why Ben has been dead all along or not.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's Our You - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 9 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled He's Our You. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Is Ben dead? How can he be or... does it actually make more sence this way?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 9 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Namaste. Curt, Dan and Nancy Drew give their usual treatment with a look at Mirror Images, What did we miss last Wednesday and any updated theories like why Radzinski made a blast door map in the first place?


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Namaste - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 8 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Namaste. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Dude... are Smokey and Christian the same thing? Was there smoke on the plane? Sun's meeting in Dharmaville? So, we know sun is in 2007, but why? And finally, Radzinski making a model of the Swan hatch while the purge is coming.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

LaFluer - Community Call II

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 8 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled LaFleur.Nancy's 'mirror images' set us up before exploring some things we missed the first time. Where is Penelope at this time? Is Paul connected to the 'others' and how or why did they even allow Dharma to set up? What is up with Richard and all of the Egyptian references. We also take some time to pull back the lens and review some of the broader mysteries like the hatch, the button, the incident and Adam & Eve.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

LaFleur - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 8 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled LaFleur. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. Dude... was that the statue? What an excellent, intimate view, from the inside on Dharma. With the show moving between 1974 and 1977 where does that place some other figures like young Ben or Widmore? Can/will Daniel resist warning young Charlotte or is what's done, done?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 6 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham. Has LOST lost it's writing prowess now that we're just checking off events to 'answer' or 'show' how things happened? Did we see Walt just to prove out that John had visited him? How does a more confident than ever John get to a state of despair so quickly? Has Ben been stepping in and doing Johns work for him? Throw in our new 'Mirror Images' segment and you've got our latest installment of analysis and opinion on everyones favorite show, LOST.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 6 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. So how is in what time lime? What happened in the plane and is Caesar a mole for Widmore? Is Widmore the good guy after all? We may not have all of the answers but we do have fun talking about it all.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 7 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled 316. Nancy Drew's 'Mirror Images' replaces our 'Central Theme' segment. Our usual On & Off Island analysis but with not a lot of new info since the Community call we'll pull back and look at the implications of Time-Looping. Curt also explains why he feels our favorite 'story' lacks a 'narrative'

MP3 File

Thursday, February 19, 2009

316 - Community Call

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 7 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled 316. Our mix of Lost Podcasters and fans provide some early observations and analysis just after the show airs each week. We revisit the Narnia references along with some Slaughterhouse 5 analogies. Is it Déjà vu or are the 'mirror images' our own Nancy Drew from Lostaholics like to find really permeating this episode? And just which bit is the part that was 'cool' to see out-of-order that Damon & Carlton alluded too?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This Place Is Death

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 5 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled This Place is Death. So while the main story has stalled and the back story is being 'backfilled' is just satisfying the viewer or have things 'changed'? Danielle's story doesn't jive, Desmond isn't on Ben's manifest and Mr Faraday isn't telling us something.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Place is Death - Initial reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 5 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled This Place is Death. Join us and our friends from the Smoke Hatch and Your Theries About LOST along with some fans as we start to digest the latest episode. Nice reveals but did we advance the story?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Little Prince

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 4 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Little Prince. Dan, Amy and I try to sort through some of the questions we have about who is up to what. While we struggled for our 'central theme' we do take at a look at some of the literary references in this episode. We also wonder if the Island, skipping through time, is causing things like Yemi's plane and Rousseau's boat to crash on the island.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Prince - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 4 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled The Little Prince. Join us and our friends from the Smoke Hatch and Lost Mythos along with some fans as we start to digest the latest episode. What the heck is Sun up to? Why do some people get the nose bleeds while others don't? How is Locke going to leave the island? And lets not forget the big reveal of Jin and Rousseau.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 3 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Jughead. The past is set in stone just like our H-Bomb but are getting clues to just how the future has been manipulated?


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jughead - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 3 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Jughead. Join the Black Rock host along with friends from The Smoke Hatch for an *initial reactions* podcast. We explore Penny's motives, Little Widmore and just how Locke dying is a plan at all.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Because You Left & The Lie

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 1 & 2 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Because You Left and The Lie. Our weekly analysis of everyones favorite show where we try to get the gem underlying it all. So we have our problem for season, getting the O6 back and perhaps a new villain in Sun. Can we ignore the problems with time travel and their convenient escape clause that is Desmond?


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Because You Left & The Lie - Initial Reactions

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Episode 1 & 2 of ABC's TV show, LOST entitled Because You Left and The Lie. Join the Black Rock host along with friends from The Smoke Hatch and Your Theories About LOST for an *initial reactions* podcast. Time travel and paradoxes dominate our opening discussion for season 5. But is Desmond a constant in more ways than one? Is Sun Evil or playing a long con?


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Season 5 Pre-Show!

Black Rock LOST Podcast: Season 5 Pre Show of ABC's TV show, LOST. It's that time again and we're back! A gathering with some of our familiar friends and some new faces to explore our hopes, fears and expectations for season.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Season 5 Pre-Show Scheduled!

It's that time again and we need toi dust off the mics and see if we can still record and post a podcast. So... we're scheduling a show for the 14th to do just that and while we're we're at it, lets talk theories.